by Chris Limantour | Sep 22, 2024 | BMW Repair
Most cars these days have two brake calipers in front, and some cars even have four on all the wheels. Modern disc brakes have calipers and older drum brakes have shoes. A problematic brake caliper is a dangerous situation because it impacts your ability to stop quickly.
What is a Brake Caliper, and What Does it Do?
The brake caliper of your BMW houses the brake pads and pistons. As part of the disc brake system, it slows your car or SUV down by applying force to the brake pads. When you apply pressure to your brake pedal, the brake fluid forces its way through the caliper lines, activating the pistons that squeeze the brake pads against the brake rotor. The friction created between the brake pads and rotor slows your BMW down.
Why do brake calipers fail?
Brake calipers can malfunction for several reasons. Make sure you seek out advice from a professional mechanic about your BMW’s #1 safety system:
- Overheating: Worn-out brake pads and twisted rotors create havoc on the brake calipers and the braking system by overheating and eventually destroying the components.
- Pistons Seizing Up: The pistons clamp the brake pads onto the disc to stop the car. If this stops working, the system will fail.
- Corrosion: Moisture, road salt, and other contaminants can cause the calipers to rust and corrode, affecting performance.
- Sticky Pads: Debris and moisture can make the brake pads stick.
- Leaks: Any loss of brake fluid will lead to loss of hydraulic pressure. This will affect the performance of the brake caliper because it requires brake fluid pressure (hydraulic pressure) to slow the vehicle down.
- Bad Brake Lines: If there is air in the brake lines, it will cause improper hydraulic pressure, and the caliper will not be able to function as intended.
- Problematic Master Cylinder: Also called the brake pump, this component changes mechanical force into hydraulic pressure. If this malfunctions the caliper is rendered useless.
Warning Signs That Your Brake Caliper is Failing
If your BMW’s brake caliper is failing, you may notice some of these indications.
- Unresponsive Brake Pedal: If your brake pedal feels spongy, too stiff, or too loose, it may mean that the brake components have worn out.
- Leaking Brake Fluid: If your Bimmer is losing brake fluid, this is a surefire sign that you may have a failing brake caliper.
- Uneven Wear on Brake Pads: When the brake caliper is stuck, it will cause the brake pads to wear unevenly.
- Burning Smell: A worn-out caliper pin may cause this issue. You might get a burning smell every time you use your brake and come to a stop.
- Noisy Brakes: A problematic brake caliper will often produce high-pitched, squealing This is done on purpose so you know when it’s time to have them replaced. There may be signs before this noise, so if you suspect it’s time to replace them, come in as soon as you can for your safety.
- Car Drags to One Side When Braking: If you notice your Beemer is pulling to one side when you are braking, it may be due to the brake pad wearing out.
- Brake Warning Light: This is part of the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) system. If you see this light in your dashboard, it means there is something wrong with your braking system. The only way to know the exact problem is to have a professional mechanic inspect and diagnose it by using a scanner to read the error codes your car is throwing.

Visit JCL Automotive Today
If you suspect your BMW may have a failing brake caliper, make sure you have a detailed brake inspection done by a professional. This is a matter of your own safety and the safety of others on the road. The best way to avoid serious and expensive problems with your BMW is to have it regularly maintained. This way you will be able to address issues at their early stages, saving you major headaches and expense. We can help with the regular maintenance of your BMW.
At JCL Automotive, we are here to help you with your car problems. Our highly-trained staff will answer all your questions. Call us or make an appointment to visit us in Hellertown, Pennsylvania.
by Chris Limantour | Sep 5, 2024 | Audi Repair
Are you experiencing oil dripping from the engine of your Audi? This could be a sign that your camshaft seal needs replacing. Camshaft seals are important components in your engine even though they are not as big as some other car parts. The seal is situated at the extreme end of the camshaft which is close to the cylinder head of the engine. One of its main uses is to prevent oil from dripping out of the engine. This seal helps to retain the engine oil so that the oil can lubricate the camshaft and other important parts of the engine. Let’s see how to go about the replacement of the seal when it develops a leak in your Audi.
Symptoms of a Bad Camshaft Seal
An oil leak is the most visible indication that your Audi is suffering from a faulty camshaft seal. Sometimes, you may observe a leakage of oil from under your car or oil stains on the driveway, which could be a result of the seal getting worn out. Also, if your engine oil levels are low most of the time even after you add some more, then there is a high likelihood that you have a leaking seal. Over time, this leak will result in a considerable amount of oil loss; therefore, it is advisable to attend to it before it affects the engine.
Camshaft Seal Replacement Process
- Diagnosis: The first step to take before you consider replacing a camshaft seal is proper inspection or confirmation of the problem. An experienced mechanic will carefully diagnose your engine and ensure that the camshaft seal is actually the cause of the oil leak and not other seals. This process involves checking for oil leakages around the camshaft, examination of the seal, and the general evaluation of the camshaft and other related parts.
- Removing the Old Seal: After a mechanic has established that the problem is with the seal, he will go ahead and replace the bad one. This step involves removal of some parts of the engine to access the area where the camshaft seal is. For some Audi models, it can be a very lengthy procedure with the need to remove things like timing belts, valve covers, or other parts of the engine.
- Installing the New Seal: Once the old seal is pulled out, the mechanic is likely to clean the area to ensure that it is free from debris, oil, or any trace of the old seal. This step is necessary to make sure that the new camshaft seal can fit nicely and make a seal that is leakproof.
- Reassembling the Engine: After sealing, the mechanic will then replace the other parts that were removed in the process of resealing. This step is carried out with a lot of care so that each and every part is well-fitted and well-fixed. The mechanic will also inspect to ensure that every part is working as required and there is no leakage.
- Testing: The last stage is testing the engine to determine whether the new camshaft seal is efficient or not. The mechanic will turn on the car and look for any signs of leakage, whether it is of oil, water, or any other fluid as well as check the levels of the engine oil after testing the car and leaving it to sit for some time. This is an important phase to ensure that the repair was effectively done and that your car is fit for the road again.
Why Choose Professional Service?
Replacing a camshaft seal is one of the tasks that can only be done with the help of specific tools. It is not advised to make it a do-it-yourself job. Choosing a professional service guarantees that the replacement is done properly, and that will eliminate the possibility of further damage to the engine and pricey repairs in the future.

Talk To The Professional Audi Mechanics in Hellertown
JCL Automotive has been in business since 2005 offering excellent Audi services to ensure all vehicles are in good shape. Our technicians are well-trained and skilled to quickly diagnose any problem and repair it using only genuine and high-quality auto spare parts.
Located in Hellertown, PA our garage is privileged to serve clients from the neighboring towns as well. If you are struggling with oil leakage or matters concerning your camshaft seal performance, we have the best team that offers solutions that meet the highest standards. Get your next Audi repair with us today.